Roundtable Japan is a unique platform built on innovative discussion formats. It has become a top event on Japan’s corporate and political agenda.



Created in 2005 in partnership between Smadja & Smadja and Forma Corporation, Roundtable Japan is an annual meeting of a unique nature in Japan.

A brainstorming platform on the key issues and challenges shaping the future of Japan, Roundtable Japan brings together Japan’s policymaking business and academic elites. It has a cap sized attendance of 150 delegates to ensure that the goals of genuine, outcome-oriented interaction can be met. Participants comprises top business leaders, opinion-makers, and relevant academic experts from Japan. A significant number of business executives from US, European, Chinese and Asian corporations involved in Japan are also actively participating.

Roundtable Japan is positioned as a high-profile event, meant to bring together among the most innovative thinkers and leaders, the greatest amount of positive energy, in order to provide a substantial contribution to the on-going discussion on the future of Japan.


株式会社フォルマ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:芹澤ゆう)並びにスマジャ&スマジャ(スイス、 社長:クロード・スマジャ)は、日本において過去よりユニークな円卓会議「ラウンドテーブル・ ジャパン」を2005年より毎年開催しております。

当会議はグローバルな観点から日本の将来像を描くことを目的とし、日本の政策決定に関わる政界、財 界並びに学界の有識者等が集まります。最大約150人の会議とし、真の結果を出すような意見交換を行っ ています。

主な参加者は国内外の政財界のトップ・リーダー、学識経験者です。また、日本に関わりの深い米国、 欧州、中国、アジア各国の企業より非常に多くの幹部・経営者の皆様にもご参加いただいております。

日本の将来について継続的な議論を行い、最も革新的な専門家、リーダー等が集まる影響力のある国際会 議として位置付けられています。


Smadja & Smadja’s mission is to provide the invaluable information and sources to help clients navigate and leverage globalization and give business leaders a “world view”. We help make sense of the increasing instability and complexity which is a built- in characteristic of globalization.
Smadja & Smadja continues its offices in Switzerland and the US, and has clients, partners and activities in Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America and Latin America.

Founded in May 1992 and based in Tokyo (President and CEO: Yu Serizawa) advises major Japanese and foreign corporations as well as public entities on cross-border strategies and communications policies. Its activities include: planning and organization of fora, seminars and roadshows; planning and implementation of seminars and training programs for executives in the domain of cross-cultural management and business ethics issues, coupled with exclusive media and public-speaking programs; in-depth analyses on Japanese economic, financial and political situation; strategic consultation (investments, M&As, joint-ventures, alliances, government relations, public relations, publications).